Seat belt use during pregnancy

Seat belt use during pregnancy  - Seat belts - Safety - Volvo XC60 Owners Manual - Volvo XC60

Seat belt use during pregnancy
Seat belt use during pregnancy

The seat belt should always be worn during pregnancy. But it is crucial that it be worn in the correct way. The diagonal section should wrap over the shoulder then be routed between the breasts and to the side of the belly. The lap section should lay flat over the thighs and as low as possible under the belly. It must never be allowed to ride upward. Remove all slack from the belt and ensure that it fits close to the body without any twists.

As a pregnancy progresses, pregnant drivers should adjust their seats and steering wheel such that they can easily maintain control of the vehicle as they drive (which means they must be able to easily operate the foot pedals and steering wheel). Within this context, they should strive to position the seat with as large a distance as possible between their belly and the steering wheel.

Child seats

Please refer to page 40 for information on securing child seats with the seat belts.

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