Information displays
Information displays in the instrument panel
The information displays show information on some of the vehicle's functions, such as cruise control, the trip computer and messages. The information is shown with text and symbols.
More detailed information can be found in the descriptions of the functions that use the information displays.
See also:
Label information
1 Model plate: includes e.g., Vehicle Identification
Number (VIN), codes for color and
upholstery, etc. The model plate is located
on the rear side of the B-pillar (the pillar
between the front ...
City Safety™1 is a support system designed to
help the driver avoid low speed collisions when
driving in slow-moving, stop-and-go traffic.
City Safety™ is not active if your vehicle’s
speed is ...
When the indicator light
in the button is on, the air conditioning is controlled automatically. This cools/heats
and dehumidifies the incoming air. When the indicator light in the button is off,